jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

AHRQ Health IT Update: Automated Telephone Technology

AHRQ Health IT Update: Automated Telephone Technology

AHRQ Health IT Update: Automated Telephone Technology

Voice Technology Effective in Monitoring Diabetes Safety Events

A new study funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) found that providing interactive voice recognition follow-up calls to diabetes patients is effective in identifying safety triggers. “Safety Events during an Automated Telephone Self-Management Support Intervention” appeared in the May issue of the Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. The “safety triggers” the study examined were problems such as extremely high or low blood sugar, not having medications or supplies, or experiencing significant side effects. Using an automated voice system, patients with type II diabetes received self-management support through interactive messaging. The automated system was effective in identifying safety triggers and the majority of eligible participants received at least one phone call. The results indicate that interactive health information technology can support self-management tasks for diabetes, but more research is needed to understand program design elements to address safety concerns.

Select to access the abstract: http://journalofdst.org/May2013/PDF/Abstracts/VOL-7-3-SYM2-LYLES-ABSTRACT.pdf.

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