martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

New NCHS Data Online Query System Now Available

The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is pleased to announce the beta release of our newest statistical tool, the NCHS Data Online Query System (DOQS).  NCHS DOQS gives users the ability to generate and store statistical analyses customized to their specific requirements. The system provides dynamically generated statistical tables, charts, and graphs using NCHS public use data. NCHS DOQS is designed for the general user without knowledge of commercial statistical software packages.  Currently, visit data from the Emergency Department component of the 2005-2010 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey are available, with more datasets planned for the future.

In advance of our upcoming general release, we invite you to explore the beta version of NCHS DOQS and give us your feedback. Your insights will help us provide you with the best possible public health statistical tool.  

To begin using  NCHS DOQS, we recommend that you start with a brief tutorial.  Once you have tried out the system, please send your feedback, using the Contact Us section of the website.  Thanks for your assistance!

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