jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Hospitals make progress on the path to safety.

AHRQ Patient Safety Network

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Hospitals make progress on the path to safety.

Hobson K. US News World Report. August 13, 2014.

This magazine article highlights advances in patient safety efforts along with documented challenges to progress. Surgical checklistsforcing functions in electronic health records, and daily huddles for leaders to talk about concerns are discussed as strategies implemented to reduce adverse events in hospitals.

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Rau J. Washington Post. February 12, 2012:A03.


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Eisler P. USA Today. August 16, 2012.


Lessons from America's safest hospitals.

Howard B. AARP The Magazine. April/May 2013;56:46-50,52,71.


Hospital safety: your responsibility or theirs?

Teegardin C. Atlanta Journal-Constitution. April 28, 2013.

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