martes, 11 de agosto de 2015

CDC - OMHHE - About - Health Disparities - Health Equity - Office - Minority Health

CDC - OMHHE - About - Health Disparities - Health Equity - Office - Minority Health

Health Equity Matters


Quarterly E-Newsletter to share News, Perspectives, & Progress

Summer 2015

Volume 4, Issue 2


Activities, Funding, Trainings, Summits, Conferences & more!

Health Observances

September 15th - October 15th is Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month!
Hispanic / Latino Heritage Month

Statistics Highlight

Persons Reporting Fair or Poor health, by Race & Hispanic Origin, United States, 2003-2013.
Persons Reporting Fair or Poor Health, by Race & Hispanic Origin, United States, 2003–2013.

Quick Links

Quick Links


OMHHE’s participation in the Response to the largest Ebola Outbreak, 2014-2015.
 OMHHE Staff deployed to Guinea, West Africa  

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired Blog Post 

Conversations in Equity

"I'm Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired!"

News You Can Use!

Timely information on upcoming projects, key personnel changes, and effective programs & initiatives.
News You Can Use

Meet the Federal Offices of Minority Health!

Meet Dr. Larke Nahme Huang, Director, Office of Behavioral Health Equity (OBHE), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
 Dr. Larke Huang, Director, Office of Behavioral Health Equity (OBHE), SAMHSA
Dr. Shiriki Kumanyika, Health Equity Champion 

Health Equity Champion!

We are pleased to recognize Dr. Kumanyika, Professor Emerita, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine, as a Health Equity Champion!


Trivia In the last 50 years, a woman's risk of dying from smoking has more than tripled and is now equal to men's risk.


OMHHE's e-newsletter is intended to promote awareness of minority health & health equity issues, support the achievement of our goals to eliminate health disparities, and foster ongoing communication & collaboration.


The Community Preventive Services Task Force presentsTask Force Recommends Behavioral Interventions to Reduce Kids TV Time and Obesity.
Commentary - kids playing outside

Science Speaks

Vital Signs: Leading Causes of Death, Prevalence of Diseases and Risk Factors, and Use of Health Services Among Hispanics in the United States - 2009-2013.

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