jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

More Vets Get Choice in Healthcare

More Vets Get Choice in Healthcare

Faster, Closer Access Expands
More veterans now have access to faster, closer healthcare through the Veterans Choice Program.  The Choice Program allows vets to see doctors who are not associated with the Department of Veterans Affairs, if:
  • The vet enrolled in VA health care on or before August 1, 2014, or is eligible to enroll as a recently discharged combat veteran
  • The vet has been (or will be) waiting more than 30 days for VA medical care
  • The vet lives more than 40 miles away from a VA medical care facility or faces one of severalexcessive travel burdens.
The VA recently changed how it determines how far a vet lives from the nearest VA medical facility, using actual driving distance instead of measuring the distance in a straight line. That means more veterans are now eligible for the program under the 40-mile rule.
Learn more facts about the Veterans Choice Program. To find out more about health issues and benefits for veterans, visit USA.gov.

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