domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2015

BioEdge: the latest news and articles about bioethics

BioEdge: the latest news and articles about bioethics


Milou de Moor committed suicide after her doctor refused to euthanize her.    
When it comes to lawsuits, doctors are extremely gun-shy. Their business is healing people, not lining the pockets of lawyers. That's why the fall-out from a euthanasia case in the Netherlands may be highly significant.
As you can read in this week's BioEdge, a family doctor refused to sign off on the euthanasia of a 19-year-old woman suffering from lupus-related depression, so the teenager committed suicide. Her bereaved family believes that she was denied the right to a peaceful death and has brought the case to a disciplinary tribunal. 
If the doctor is censured, will this effectively lead to euthanasia on demand in the Netherlands? Rather than fight to have their professional judgement respected, I'll bet that most doctors will just rubberstamp every request that passes across their desks. It will be interesting which the Dutch respect more: the informed consent of the patient or the informed consent of the doctor. 

Michael Cook

This week in BioEdge

by Michael Cook | Sep 26, 2015
Patient subsequently hanged herself.

by Xavier Symons | Sep 26, 2015
Just months after CRISPR was used to modify embryos in China, a British scientists wants to forge ahead.

by Michael Cook | Sep 26, 2015
Isn't that the way science works?

by Xavier Symons | Sep 26, 2015
Scores of couples take advantage of liberal legislation.

by Michael Cook | Sep 26, 2015
Several leading politically progressive social psychologists want more conservatives in their field

by Michael Cook | Sep 26, 2015
“They think we’re fantasists when in fact we’re talking about a future just over the horizon.”

by Xavier Symons | Sep 26, 2015
HHS has proposed an overhaul of existing human research ethics guidelines

by Xavier Symons | Sep 26, 2015
Parliaments need to alter the definition of death, say doctors
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BioEdge: the latest news and articles about bioethics

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