miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

Honoring Veterans This Open Enrollment

Dept. of Health & Human Services
By: Sylvia Mathews Burwell, HHS Secretary and Robert McDonald, VA Secretary
Christopher Flurry served his country as a Marine for over 13 years, and when he left the Corps in 2014, he had a number of things to do to transition into civilian life.
One of those was finding health insurance. Chris had three options: He could enroll in VA’s national health care, join his wife’s insurance plan, or he could shop around, something that was difficult to do before the Affordable Care Act. Before the law passed, insurance companies could deny people coverage because of pre-existing conditions, or set restrictive annual limits on their coverage. Even if they didn’t, it was nearly impossible to find a clear and understandable menu of health plans. People shopping for coverage had to call each insurance company individually to get quotes on a plan.
Chris chose to explore his options for private coverage outside of the VA. Fortunately, when he began his search, he had the Health Insurance Marketplace. He logged onto HealthCare.gov and quickly found a plan that offered the same coverage as his wife’s plan, but at a monthly premium that was $150 less. The Marketplace was there for Chris and his wife when they needed it.
Every Veterans Day, we recommit ourselves to serving the men and women who have served our country. We work to fulfill the spirit of the words that President Lincoln delivered a century and a half ago, when he called on our nation to care for those “who shall have borne the battle” and their families. For many veterans and their families, like Chris, that means ensuring access to quality, affordable health coverage.
READ MORE: Honoring Veterans This Open Enrollment

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