miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2015

Innovations in Women's Health Care | AHRQ Health Care Innovations Exchange

Innovations in Women's Health Care | AHRQ Health Care Innovations Exchange

AHRQ Innovations Exchange: Innovations and Tools to Improve Quality and Reduce Disparities

Innovations in Women's Health Care 

Group of diverse women

This issue of the Innovations Exchange is the second in a new monthly series focused on health care disparities experienced by racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups and specific priority populations in the U.S.
Each year since 2003, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has produced the National Healthcare Quality Report and the National Healthcare Disparities Report. Beginning with the 2014 reports, findings on health care quality and health care disparities are integrated into a single document. The 2014 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report (QDR) provides a comprehensive overview of the quality of care received by the general U.S. population and health care disparities. Detailed information on individual measures and specific populations is available through a new monthly series of chartbooks.
In October 2015, AHRQ released the Chartbook on Women's Health Care, which includes a summary of trends across measures of women's health care from the QDR and figures illustrating select measures.
The Innovations Exchange collection contains many Innovation Profiles and QualityTools specific to women's health care topics, including women's access to care, cancer screening, health and wellness, and reproductive care. This issue features a selection of content that can help address disparities in women's health care.

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