martes, 5 de enero de 2016

What's New in Health IT Banner

What's New in Health IT

In This Issue

Request for Information Published on EHR Certification
In our ongoing effort to use health IT to create a better, smarter and healthier care delivery system, ONC and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) released a request for information (RFI) entitled Certification Frequency and Requirements for the Reporting of Quality Measures under CMS Programs. The goal of the RFI is to get feedback about the effectiveness of the certification of health IT, specifically about the certification and testing of EHR products that are used for the reporting of quality measures. Please take a look at the RFI and the new blog post from our partners at CMS.
Challenge Announcement: Bridging the Word Gap
The Bridging the Word Gap Challenge is a prize competition that will award up to $300,000 for innovative solutions that promote the early language environment and address the ‘word gap,” a critical issue facing our nation’s children. Early language development is a component of developmental health and well-being for children, and school readiness and subsequent school success have an impact on multiple outcomes later in life, including health and economic success. Pioneers in technology and education are invited to submit ideas by January 29 to help parents and caregivers to talk—and engage in more back and forth interactions—with their young children. Submissions should demonstrate that the proposed intervention could be used across diverse backgrounds and easily put into action. For more information, please
Federal Advisory Committee Schedule Jan. 5 – Jan.8
10:00 a.m.: The new Certified Technology Comparison Task Force holds a virtual meeting. Learn more:
12:00 p.m.: The Certified Technology Comparison Task Force meets. Follow along here:

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