jueves, 2 de junio de 2016

MercatorNet: Sunrise in Kibera slum. Delayed marriage. Trans dogmatists.

Mercatornet's Nairobi bureau is very productive these days, with plenty of interesting and (largely) good news. Today's piece by Mathew Otieno about a private university reaching out to slum kids to mentor them iinto tertiary education made me very happy, especially when I found a video about it. This initiative for -- and by -- the poor of Nairobi also puts other news into perspective -- things like gender politics and the sanctity of gorillas.
Sheila Liaugminas adds another perspective on the latter with her continuing pleas on behalf of beleaguered Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East. There's a big, needy world out there waiting for a hand and some of us would be much happier if we got off our little hobby-horses and put our feet on the ground.
Of course, there are big issues at home as well, as Professor Jason Carroll's essay on delayed marriage testifies. It is an excellent overview of a complex and worrying trend.

Carolyn Moynihan
Deputy Editor,

From the slums to university
Mathew Otieno | HARAMBEE | 2 June 2016
How a program in Kenya’s capital is helping more students get to university.
Not for love or money: the economic consequences of delayed marriage
Jason S. Carroll | FEATURES | 2 June 2016
Today's relationship churning is particularly hard on the less educated.
Gorilla activism
Sheila Liaugminas | SHEILA REPORTS | 2 June 2016
See how fast a grassroots effort can be launched?
There is not just one ‘trans’ narrative
Barbara Kay | CONJUGALITY | 2 June 2016
But turf warriors are bent on imposing an absolutist dogma.
Ageing in harmony: why the third act of life should be musical
Jennifer MacRitchie | FEATURES | 2 June 2016
Music programmes offer many general benefits to health and wellbeing.
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