miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2017

CMS Innovation Center (Innovation Center) issued an informal Request

September 20, 2017

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: Innovation Center New Direction

The Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Innovation (CMMI) is looking to revamp its priorities for the new administration and has issued an informal Request for Information seeking YOUR input. They intend to chart “a new direction to promote patient-centered care and test market-driven reforms that empower beneficiaries as consumers, provide price transparency, increase choices and competition to drive quality, reduce costs, and improve outcomes. “     

The Innovation Center welcomes stakeholder input on the ideas on additional ideas and concepts, and on the future direction of the Innovation Center.
CMMI has laid out eight priority areas in which they intend to test models.  They are:
1.    Increased participation in Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs);
2.    Consumer-Directed Care & Market-Based Innovation Models;
3.    Physician Specialty Models;
4.    Prescription Drug Models;
5.    Medicare Advantage (MA) Innovation Models;
6.    State-Based and Local Innovation, including Medicaid-focused Models;
7.    Mental and Behavioral Health Models; and
8.    Program Integrity.
The RFI is leaves considerable opportunity for stakeholders to offer your insights as to what CMMI should be prioritizing and testing.
So if, for example, you want to make sure that older adults and people with disabilities are prioritized in CMMI’s work or have specific models in mind for states or providers to address research needs or innovative models for older adults and/or people with disabilities, this is your opportunity to suggest them to CMMI.
Instructions for Commenting:
To be assured consideration, please submit comments online or by email to CMMI_NewDirection@cms.hhs.gov by 11:59 p.m. EST November 20, 2017.
Please NOTE: since this is an informal Request For Information, this will not be published in the Federal Register and your comments won’t be posted on www.regulations.govSo if you want ACL, or the broader public to know what you suggest to CMMI it will be up to you to share your comments.
For further information:
Request for Information (PDF) text is available here: https://innovation.cms.gov/Files/x/newdirection-rfi.pdf

Please follow this link for more background and details on the RFI: https://innovation.cms.gov/initiatives/direction/

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