viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017

CDC Viral Hepatitis Updates – Archived NFID Webinar on Hepatitis A & B Vaccines

CDC Viral Hepatitis Updates

Archived Webinar - Hepatitis A and B Vaccines: Recommendations and Impact Webinar by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases

Noele Nelson, MD, PhD, MPH, Medical Epidemiologist, Division of Viral Hepatitis, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides an update on the immunogenicity and safety of hepatitis A and B vaccines, explains current Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations, and evaluates the impact of vaccine implementation on the changing epidemiology of hepatitis A and hepatitis B diseases.

MMWR - Updated Dosing Instructions for Immune Globulin (Human) GamaSTAN S/D for Hepatitis A Virus Prophylaxis

In July 2017, the manufacturer of GamaSTAN S/D, also known as Immune Globulin (IG), updated dosing instructions for hepatitis A preexposure and postexposure prophylaxis. IG is indicated for:
  • Travelers departing in 2 weeks or less to countries where hepatitis A is common
  • Older adults
  • People with certain health problems including chronic liver disease or other chronic medical conditions
  • People who are Immunocompromised
  • Infants less than 1 year of age
People who are allergic to a component of hepatitis A vaccine These changes were made because of concerns about decreased HAV immunoglobulin G antibody (anti-HAV IgG) potency. Specific dosing information is available in the table below and published in MMWR. Apart from prescribing dosages, all other hepatitis A prophylaxis guidance remains the same.

MMWR - Evaluation of the Impact of Mandating Health Care Providers to Offer Hepatitis C Virus Screening to All Persons Born During 1945–1965 — New York, 2014

Persons born during 1945–1965 account for approximately 75% of all hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections in the United States and 73% of HCV-associated mortality. Most infected persons do not know their status. In January 2014, New York became the first state to enact an HCV testing law, which is expected to increase the number of persons who are aware of their HCV status. One year after implementation of the 2014 New York HCV Testing Law, marked increases were observed in the number of HCV screening tests and rates of testing. Increases were observed almost immediately after enactment of the law and remained steady at levels substantially higher than those in the years preceding enactment of the law. Smaller increases were noted in the number of persons who accessed HCV care following a positive HCV screening test.

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