viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2017

BioEdge: Nitschke designs new euthanasia machine with detachable coffin

BioEdge: Nitschke designs new euthanasia machine with detachable coffin


Nitschke designs new euthanasia machine with detachable coffin
Australia’s best-known euthanasia activist, Dr Philip Nitschke, is back in the news with another machine for committing suicide, the Sarco capsule.

The machine will allow anyone who has the access key to end their life by simply pressing a button. Developed in the Netherlands by Nitschke and an engineer, the machine can be 3D printed and assembled in any location. Access to the Sarco capsule will be by an on-line mental questionnaire which will provide a four-digit access code.

When the person lies in the capsule, he can activate it and liquid nitrogen will rapidly drop the oxygen level, leading to death a few minutes.

The novel feature is that the capsule can be detached from the Sarco machine and used as a sleek and shiny coffin. The machine base can be re-used.

Design criteria for the Sarco will be free, made open-source, and placed on the internet. Nitschke says that the world is now one step closer to the goal where any rational person can electively end their life in a peaceful and reliable way at the time of their choosing. “Sarco does not use any restricted drugs, or require any special expertise such as the insertion of an intravenous needle. Anyone who can pass the entry test, can enter the machine and legally end their life”


Several of our stories this week deal with end-of-life issues. For a bit of a change, how about an historical diversion?

“And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister; and said unto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die.” You might recognise this quote from the Bible. It is often used to illustrate the pain of infertility, which hurts no less 4,000 years later.

Jacob was a wandering pastoralist. But Turkish archaeologists announced this month that they had uncovered evidence of urban infertility in Kültepe, an Assyrian site in the centre of modern Turkey. It is a clay tablet with cuneiform script with a prenuptial agreement – also 4,000 years old. It may be the first pre-nup in recorded history.

If, after two years, the bride has still not borne a child, the tablet says, the wife will allow her husband to use a female slave as a surrogate mother to produce an heir. The slave would be freed after giving birth to a son.

Many ethical issues in the Reproductive Revolution have precedents, but it’s amazing to see that today’s surrogate mothers were anticipated by Assyrian slave girls four millennia ago.

Michael Cook
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by Michael Cook | Nov 18, 2017
The latest step in his campaign to promote rational suicide

by Michael Cook | Nov 18, 2017
How will the changes be monitored for generation after generation?

by Michael Cook | Nov 18, 2017
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by Michael Cook | Nov 18, 2017
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by Michael Cook | Nov 18, 2017
An end run around the letter of the law

by Michael Cook | Nov 18, 2017
Promotion is mostly persuasive, not informative

by Xavier Symons | Nov 17, 2017
Assisted suicide came close to eclipsing suicide as a cause of death.

by Xavier Symons | Nov 17, 2017
A Vic politician was rushed to hospital after a 26-hour debate.

by Michele Farisco | Nov 18, 2017
We should avoid becoming biased by “consciousness-centrism”
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