martes, 1 de mayo de 2018

KidneyX: A new wave of innovation to treat kidney disease |

KidneyX: A new wave of innovation to treat kidney disease |

U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS logo)

Picture of HHS Chief Technology Officer Bruce Greenstein

KidneyX: A new wave of innovation to treat kidney disease

By:  Bruce D. Greenstein , HHS Chief Technology Officer

KidneyX will create a sense of urgency in the innovator community by spotlighting the immediate needs of patients and their families.
My mother relied on dialysis for 14 years. From her first day to her last, little changed in her treatment. We would hardly tolerate such stagnation in our smartphones or cancer treatments. The American taxpayer is billed annually $35 billion for a decades old technology with mortality rates higher than most cancers; the current standard of care simply isn’t acceptable.
HHS, in partnership with the American Society of Nephrology, seeks to change the paradigm by bringing to life the Kidney Innovation Accelerator, or KidneyX.
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