Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (9992)
- ▼ octubre (200)
- Puigdemont anuncia una OPE de 2.500 plazas para mé...
- Las cifras de empleo en el sector sanitario se est...
- What's New at CBER Update
- MercatorNet: Euthanasia: learn from Canada’s mista...
- A Patient-Centered Prescription Drug Label to Prom...
- Changes in Utilization and Health Among Low-Income...
- Pediatric Quality Measures Program | Agency for He...
- Patient and clinician perspectives on the outpatie...
- Agitation, Delirium, and Cognitive Outcomes in Int...
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Publication Searc...
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Compone...
- Access To Care Improved For People Who Gained Medi...
- Gaining Coverage In 2014: New Estimates Of Marketp...
- Working To Prevent and Eliminate MRSA Infections |...
- Comparing Health Systems: AHRQ’s Signature Effort ...
- Perceived health competence predicts health behavi...
- User-centered design of multi-gene sequencing pane...
- AHRQ News Now: New Children's Quality Measures, Di...
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Home
- Harvard Used AHRQ Data to Develop Tool to Analyze ...
- Interprofessional team interactions about complex ...
- Health Care Use and Spending for Medicaid Enrollee...
- 2015 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities R...
- EHC Product Updates: Youth Suicide Prevention Fina...
- Announcement: MONAHRQ 7 Build 2 Is Available for D...
- What's New at AHRQ
- Data Linkage Strategies To Advance Youth Suicide P...
- CDRH New Update
- Upcoming Webinar—AHRQ Quality Indicators (QI): ICD...
- Safeguarding Health Information: Building Assuranc...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Cambio de paradigma en salu...
- FDA Law Blog: HP&M Offers Discount on FDA Deskbook...
- FDA Law Blog: Pediatric Priority Review Vouchers S...
- Act Against AIDS Campaigns: HIV Web Updates
- El ECDC pide a los países europeos un mejor aborda...
- Los pacientes cada vez opinan más sobre sus médico...
- Europa definirá un modelo común de evaluación de t...
- Fedea: preocupan gasto, esperas, obesidad, salud m...
- La decisión médica prevalece a la del Comité para ...
- CMS NEWS: CMS selects Quality Improvement Organiza...
- Protecting Against Cyber Threats
- Addressing Cancer Disparities Among American India...
- NIH Common Fund announces 2016 High-Risk, High-Rew...
- Guidances (Drugs) > FDA seeks input on product-spe...
- New analysis shows 2.5 million Americans currently...
- DEA Reduces Opioid Drug Manufacturing in 2017
- NCCIH Natural Products Technical Assistance Webina...
- NGC Update Service: October 3, 2016 ► Topic Nomina...
- NGC Update Service: October 3, 2016 || Congress of...
- NGC Update Service: October 3, 2016 || Congress of...
- NGC Update Service: October 3, 2016 || Congress of...
- NGC Update Service: October 3, 2016 || Congress of...
- AHRQ, CMS Award $13 Million to Test and Implement ...
- ProMED-mail
- CDER New October 4, 2016
- Clinical Pharmacology Corner: FDA Approves EPCLUSA...
- Se estancan las infecciones por virus del zika con...
- La ideología política de los médicos influye en la...
- La agencia de la UE para la prevención de enfermed...
- GHSP Journal, Volume 4, Issue 3
- TRICARE publications gets redesign, new look | Hea...
- Women can maintain good health with Well Woman vis...
- CDRH New Update
- Share and Interact | Health Literacy | CDC
- MercatorNet: A visit to a baby market in Brussels
- El incierto futuro de la Atención Primaria - Tribu...
- La Salud Digital en España, una asignatura pendien...
- “La Troncalidad supondrá el espaldarazo a la figur...
- Yoshinori Ohsumi, galardonado con el Nobel de Medi...
- Se acuerda adelanto a cuenta del complemento de ca...
- UGT, CC.OO, FSES y CSI-F exigen convocar el Ámbito...
- El consejero de Aragón espera que salgan a concurs...
- Las cargas de trabajo desmesuradas y la falta de s...
- Los pacientes piden en Biospain 2016 una participa...
- Comienza el curso online SEOM-Instituto Roche en C...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA to Revisit the Nutrient Content ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Se rechaza demanda por mala...
- Convocados los Premios eSalud 2016 a las mejores i...
- FDA-TRACK Update: FDA looking to recruit Consumer ...
- AHRQ, CMS Award $13 Million to Test and Implement ...
- CMS NEWS: CMS Awards $300,000 to the Greater Flint...
- Drug Shortages Update
- CMS NEWS: Participants Selected for Part D Enhance...
- CMS NEWS: Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insurance...
- CDER Drug Safety Priorities 2015-2016 Report- Drug...
- 2016 Corps Community Month!
- Corps Community Month
- NQMC Update Service: October 3, 2016 || Washington...
- Deepwater Horizon | NIOSH Science Blog | Blogs | C...
- MQSA Insights > MQSA National Statistics
- CDER New October 3, 2016
- 'Más garantías para el paciente en información clí...
- Castilla y León abre sus datos sanitarios a la pob...
- Cataluña: Comín advierte del peso 'inaceptable' de...
- El COMB impugnará los estatutos del Consejo de la ...
- En busca de homogeneidad en la evaluación de los M...
- Los sindicatos del Ámbito piden la revisión inmedi...
- CMS NEWS: AHRQ, CMS Award $13 Million to Test and ...
- Libro de cabecera para tomar el pulso a la respons...
- ▼ octubre (200)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (9892)
- ▼ octubre (100)
- La técnica CRISPR reta a la bioética mundial - Dia...
- Perforar la cava al reimplantar un DAI es daño des...
- FY 2017 User Fees for Priority Disease Review Vouc...
- precisionFDA’s Next Challenge? Conduct an App-a-Th...
- CDC TRAIN - LMS Software by KMI Learning
- CDC TRAIN - LMS Software by KMI Learning
- CDC TRAIN - LMS Software by KMI Learning
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC
- CDRH New Update
- MercatorNet: Leading Australian journalist decries...
- MercatorNet: Is freedom of conscience a fundamenta...
- FDA Law Blog: Court Rules that FDA's FOIA Expedite...
- U.N. International Day of Older Persons
- Check out the new mobile-friendly NIAID Careers we...
- FAFSA information: Help us spread the word!
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release ► Update: Interim Gui...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release ► Characteristics of ...
- Safe Healthcare Blog | Blogs | CDC
- Safeguarding Health Information: Building Assuranc...
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award...
- Patient Safety Project 2015 2017. | AHRQ Patient S...
- Understanding human over-reliance on technology. |...
- Surviving a bad diagnosis. | AHRQ Patient Safety N...
- All CLEAR? Preparing for IT downtime. | AHRQ Patie...
- Performing the wrong procedure. | AHRQ Patient Saf...
- Improving incident reporting among physician train...
- Impact of pharmacist-provided medication therapy m...
- A model for the departmental quality management in...
- PIPc study: development of indicators of potential...
- Structure and outcomes of interdisciplinary rounds...
- Prevention by design: construction and renovation ...
- Measurement of patient safety: a systematic review...
- Overuse of medical imaging and its radiation expos...
- Understanding and responding when things go wrong:...
- Incorporating quality and safety values into a CLA...
- Getting it right for patient safety: specimen coll...
- Medication errors in outpatient pediatrics. | AHRQ...
- Is there evidence for a better health care for can...
- Computerized triggers of big data to detect delays...
- Do work condition interventions affect quality and...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content
- All About Genetic Counselors From the National So...
- A knowledge base for tracking the impact of genomi...
- Big Data in Health: a Literature Review from the Y...
- Big Data, Big Research: Implementing Population He...
- Predicting the Future — Big Data, Machine Learning...
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- From "Personalized" to "Precision" Medicine: The E...
- A missing link in the bench-to-bedside paradigm: e...
- Ethical considerations for genetic testing in the ...
- Participants' Role Expectations in Genetics Resear...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan || Public Healt...
- ProMED-mail
- BioEdge: Are tribunals the solution to disruptive ...
- BioEdge: Towards ethical standards in surrogacy
- BioEdge: Canada moves toward legal surrogacy
- BioEdge: How well are Indian surrogates treated?
- FDA approves first automated insulin delivery devi...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Privacy Twitter Chat and a Bill You Can Understand...
- Combatting Senior Malnutrition
- Using Symbols to Convey Information in Medical Dev...
- The Affordable Care Act Federal Upper Limits Have ...
- ONC Health IT Certification Program Updates - Sept...
- Register Today for Nov. 18 FDA Johns Hopkins CERSI...
- Health Communication Science Digest -- September ...
- Opportunity for Public Comment - US Preventive Ser...
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- El acceso indebido a la HC puede acarrear penas de...
- Sanidad plantea una 'autoacreditación' provisional...
- Los servicios de Oncología Médica tienden a la tra...
- La mediación puede evitar la judicialización del 5...
- Pediatría de AP responde a las críticas por colabo...
- La Aemps pide 'no forzar' con los biosimilares; Bi...
- Los fármacos falsificados mueven casi 1.200 millon...
- La Comisión exige a España y otros 13 Estados que ...
- Valencia: CSI-F reclama que se amplíe el plazo de ...
- El Constitucional 'tumba' la jornada de 35 horas e...
- New rule helps finalize move to provide more medic...
- HHS awards more than $44.5 million to expand the n...
- Insight from States on Parity
- Los costes anuales globales de los pacientes con a...
- Los Premios Nutrisenior premiarán las buenas práct...
- Drug Shortages Update
- The next CMS Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)/Long...
- EHC Program Update: Outcomes Measures Framework; N...
- Hospitales navarros se suman a la iniciativa Poció...
- Innovación, tipo de producto y protección industri...
- El CM de Madrid convoca ayudas por más de 385.000 ...
- CCOO pide un calendario de recuperación de derecho...
- El incierto futuro de la Atención Primaria - Tribu...
- El avance del Genoma probará la capacidad de almac...
- Preventing Suicide Takes a Public Health Approach
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Polémico caso: sancionan a ...
- Now Available: ICD-9-CM Version 6.0 AHRQ QI SAS So...
- What's New at CBER Update
- FDA Guidance Document Update
- ► septiembre (1109)
- ▼ octubre (100)


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